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About Us

Strategies for Modern Building Management

Specializing In Control Automation, Integration, Cybersecurity, And Standards Development For Owners, Product Suppliers, Contractors, And Project Managers

RBCG Consulting provides consulting services to large end users and owners with particular focus on building automation control networking, system design, and specification development.

We bring over 35 years of experience developing interoperability standards, promoting open systems and providing integration support to industrial, commercial, and residential automation and controls applications.

The modern building is managed through integrated, open systems that are securely networked and future-proofed. RBCG Consulting can help get you there.

Intelligent Design for Intelligent Systems

Today’s intelligent systems are vital contributors to an organization’s productivity, safety, energy consumption, resource allocation, cybersecurity policies, and, ultimately, its bottom line.

Successful installations employ control system integration strategies using open solutions that enable buildings, campuses, cities, and enterprises to readily adapt to environmental, operational, economic, or technological change.

RBCG assists clients in navigating technologies, solutions, standards, and system architectures as part of an enterprise master plan. 

RBCG provides a range of services to support the design and implementation of control automation systems.

About Ron Bernstein

Ron Bernstein is CEO and Principal Engineer of RBCG Consulting providing consulting services to organizations needing help navigating their energy and automation strategy. He has over 35 years of experience in industrial, commercial, and residential automation and controls technologies. His focus is on specification development, master planning, control network architecture design, cybersecurity for BAS design best practices, and interoperability standards development.

Ron is the current Chair of the US DOE/PNNL Gridwise Architecture Council. He is the past Chair of CTA R7 Control Networking committee and a voting member or ASHRAE 1.4 Control Theory and Application committee. He is an advisor to the Design Lights Consortium, and a volunteer with the US DOE FOA Evaluation Program. Ron is a co-author of the ASHRAE Guideline 13 Specifying Building Automation Systems and author of the LonWorks Installation Handbook, now published in 6 languages. He is a published author and frequent lecturer internationally on building automation integration and interoperable control networking. He holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Carnegie-Mellon University, Masters in Applied Psychology from University of Santa Monica, and a Masters in Philosophy from Peace Theological Seminary.


RBCG Consulting is based in San Diego CA. To get in touch about a project, please send contact at:


Mailing address:

1345 Encinitas Blvd #242

Encinitas CA 92024 USA

